Once the code is installed the users will be able to submit their files via the csvbox importer. The raw files uploaded by the users will be available on your dashboard's 'Import' page. The data will also be pushed to your app as per the destination type configuration of your sheet.
All import data and RAW files will be retained for one month. You also have the option to bypass storing the files in our data store.
Import Complete Webhook
Optionally, you can subscribe to the import complete event webhook via the sheet settings page. This webhook will fire when the CSVbox completes the import process for any user. Here is some example JSON that could be sent to your webhook endpoint:
You also have the option to receive the entire CSV data in JSON format inside the dataobject of the callback function.
To receive the CSV data in the callback function simply activate this option on the sheet 'Destination' page.
You will then receive the JSON data in the rows property of the data object. Check the sample below: